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 Search results for  "FUA85011" for all models

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BoosterPlug Fuelling Fixer Euro 4
FUA85011 Fits V85TT (EURO4) 
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The BoosterPlug is an effective and cost efficient way to cure the fuelling problems common to all modern fuel injected Guzzi's.
Plugging directly into the wiring harness using original connectors, with no cutting or splicing required, installation takes less than ten minutes.

The BoosterPlug features a unique technology to provide your bike with a controlled fuel enrichment in all ambient temperature situations. No other Plug and Play device does this. A richer mixture is provided only when needed i.e at low RPMs and when accelerating. On open roads at a constant speed the Boosterplug sits idle to keep fuel consumption low.
Make your bike run as it should have done from the factory!

  • Improved and gentler throttle action when opening and closing throttle
  • Richer mixture when opening the throttle improves acceleration
  • Booster plug removes the uneven low speed running that is typical for modern lean burn engines
  • Stronger and more consistent at idle.
  • Reduced backfiring with aftermarket exhausts on engine braking
  • Improved fuel economy
  • Lifetime warranty View more information or download installation instructions. Not suitable for EURO5 bikes - see FUA85002 for these models

    this part is available by special order This part is available by special order, request a quote

  • £129.00


    £107.50  EX VAT

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