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The Shop   Moto Guzzi   Used Spares  V7 700 V7 Special 1969-1971 850 GT  Frames and Fittings
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Used Spring
ENG94215 Fits Nuovo Falcone, V7 700, V7 Special, 850 GT, V7 Sport, 750S, S3, 850/1000 ALL Models, 1100 Sport ALL, Bellagio, Breva 850, Breva 1100, Breva 1200, Cali 1100 (1994-1997), Cali EV, Cali EV ALL, V7 Sport, 850 GT, V11 Sport ALL, Quota 1100, Norge (2v/cyl), 1200 Sport (2v/cyl), Griso 1100 
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Spring, used as rocker spindle thrust spring for valve gear on two valve per cylinder big twin models

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6 month warranty on this part

part in stock 93 in stock

 94322215 GU94322215 94 32 22 15
 9432 2215 9432.2215

15mm ID x 21mm OD x 5.6mm



£0.83  EX VAT

Used Swingarm Pivot Nut Domed
FRG12800 Fits V7 700, V7 Special (1969-1971), 850 GT 
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Chromed M20 dome head lock nut for swing arm pivot stub

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6 month warranty on this part

part in stock 15 in stock, request a quote

12547800-z 12547800 GU12547800 12 54 78 00
 1254 7800 1254.7800



£7.50  EX VAT

Used Swingarm Pivot Stub
FRG12000 Fits V7 700, V7 Special (1969-1971), 850 GT 
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Example photo for illustration only 

Swing arm pivot stub, metric fine thread, see FRG12800 for cover nuts

Heads vary on these pivot stubs

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6 month warranty on this part

part in stock 11 in stock, request a quote

 12547000 GU12547000 12 54 70 00
 1254 7000 1254.7000

20mm OD x 50mm



£7.50  EX VAT

Used Swingarm
TRG12020 Fits V7 700, V7 Special (1969-1971), 850 GT, V7 Sport, 750S, 850T 
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Example photo for illustration only 

Short swing arm for models with rear drum brake

Takes small UJ

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6 month warranty on this part

part in stock 5 in stock, request a quote

 12540200 GU12540200 12 54 02 00
 1254 0200 1254.0200

Prices from

£60.00 - £120.00

inc VAT dependent on condition

Used Shock Mount Stud
TRG12201 Fits V7 700, V7 Special (1970-1972), 850 GT, 1000 SP, T3, Convert, G5, T4, Le Mans 1, Le Mans 2, Le Mans 3 
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Example photo for illustration only 

Shock mounting pin, fits both sides

Sorry this part cannot be shipped to the US or Canada

6 month warranty on this part

part in stock 3 in stock

 12555201 GU12555201 12 55 52 01
 1255 5201 1255.5201



£6.25  EX VAT

We are currently working on cataloguing and listing all our used stock for this web site however with tens of thousands of used spares it's taking some time!

In the meantime if you can't see what you are looking for please call us on 01484 841395 or fill in the used spares enquiry form for used spares enquiries.