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Mistral Pillion Footpeg Lowering Kit Black
ACA11412 Fits Breva ALL, Griso ALL, Norge ALL, Stelvio, V85TT, V100 Mandello, V100 Stelvio 
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The Mistral footrest kit offers a much improved foot position for the pillion by lowering the footrest to immediately above the silencer. By extending the leg position, pillion passengers feel more secure and touring comfort is much improved. This reasonably priced Mistral footrest kit is made close to the Guzzi factory in Mandello and looks as good as any stock part. Fitting is simple using the original attachments (springs, bolts, etc.).

Black painted finish. Compatible with both Mistral and stock silencers. Kit contains components to lower both pillion footrests and includes shims to remove excess movement. See this video for installation instructions.

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£75.00  EX VAT

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